

中国からの留学生Ding Peng君が当院での研修を行いました

更新日 2017.5.10

H18年卒 萩原茂生

この度蘇州大学医学部の学生であるDing Peng (English name: Jeffery)君が当院で研修を行いました。International Federation of Medical Student’s Associationの活動の一環で、自ら千葉大学整形外科での研修を希望されたという経緯で4月の一ヶ月当科に来られました。研修中は手術、外来などにも積極的に参加していただき、実習中の本学学生とは日中医学教育体制についての討議を行ったり医局旅行に参加してもらったりと、非常に濃密な日程を過ごしていただきました。スタッフ、学生とも双方にとって国際交流のいい機会となったと感じております(写真大鳥先生の左隣)。

Orthopedic department in Chiba University hospital is a fully developed department. It has different sub-departments which almost cover all the fields in orthopedics. Every doctor in orthopedic department is very responsible, kind and helpful. At the same time, they also have plenty of knowledge, experience and high surgical skills to deal with different cases. Most importantly, the atmosphere and relationships between doctors and nurses, doctors and patients, nurses and patients and doctors and students are so nice that make everybody here feel happy and comfortable. It's my great honor to study here. And I'm sincerely thankful for the help from Professor Ohtori, other professors and doctors. It is your kindness, patience and sincere help that make me have so nice experience here. Thank you all.
Thank you again. And I sincerely hope all is well with you professor.

Best regards,
Student: Ding Peng (Jeffrey)

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